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Why use a personal trainer?


Workouts are designed for your fitness level and designed to be fun! Personalized attention ensures that you are doing each exercise properly. Scheduled times keep you accountable. Your own private cheerleader who gives positive reinforcement the entire workout. In the warmer months, we can take it outside.


Prices vary by location. Call or email today for more information and to schedule your free consultation.


I offer a variety of workouts in your home designed to keep you interested and engaged. Bored with weights or resistance bands? Let's try some kickboxing or Thai Chi to mix it up! Exercise can be fun!


  • Resistance bands

  • Body weight exercise

  • Kickboxing

  • Thai Chi

  • Power walking

  • Kettle bell

  • Weights

  • Stretching



No matter what your fitness level, I will design a program that works for you and gets the results you want.


Never really worked out. Exercise is not top of my list of things I enjoy.


  • I want to get in shape or lose weight but don't know where to start.

  • I'm fairly sedentary

  • I've exercised in the past and don't enjoy it

  • I'm afraid to start a plan

  • I'm afraid I might hurt myself

  • I don't like gyms or group classes


I’m feeling pretty good and now looking to take it to the next level.


  • I work out regularly

  • I'd like to try something different

  • I'd like to enhance my workout

  • I love to sweat

  • I would benefit from one-on-one focused attention to details



I live to work out. 


  • I've plateaued in my regular workout

  • I am training for something in particular

  • I'm looking for one-on-one intense training

  • I need a competitive coach

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